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    Refer a Future Tiger to Wittenberg

    Here is your opportunity to "pass on" the name of a student you believe would thrive at Wittenberg University. 
    Those who know Wittenberg the best, make the best ambassadors for the university. It’s why we need you to refer students to us. 

    Who to Refer: 
    • Your children, relatives, siblings, family friends, co-worker's children, the standout theatre star, athlete, academic all-star at the local high school, youth member of your church, etc. 
    • Please refer students who will be graduating from high school in 2025, 2026, or 2027, or are interested in transferring to Wittenberg. The earlier you refer a student, the more engaged they become with the University. 

    Once you complete the referral form below, we will take it from there to ensure that the student receives everything they need for their college search.

    Thank you for assisting us in recruiting our Future Tigers. Tiger Up and make your referral(s) today!

    Office of Admission 
    Wittenberg University 

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